EPC Installation of Pipelines and Flowlines, EPC Projects, Projects Installation of cartridge filter for 32″ gas pipeline at mellitah complex
Equipment manufacturing, Pig Launchers & Receivers, Projects The supply of 02 PIG launcher and receiver
EPC Installation of Pipelines and Flowlines, EPC Projects, Projects Construction of flowlines for oil wells
Equipment manufacturing, Projects, U STAMP Pressure Vessels Storage tank with skid mounted fuelling system aviation fuel JET-A1
EPC Electrical and instrumentation projects, EPC Projects, Projects The supply, installation & commissioning of a fire fighting system for Events (Co2)
Chemical Injection Skids, Equipment manufacturing, Projects Supply of methanol injection skid for shalbia #1
CPF & sites facilities, EPC Projects, Projects Relocation of equipment and material from khouloud 1 wellsite to shalbia 1 wellsite, structure works for shalbia and hook up of equipment and material in shalbia wellsite